Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Week Two - Breaking it Down

Last week we talked about setting goals. Hopefully by now you’ve set your goals and either posted them with us or wrote them down. If not revisit Week One - Setting the Goal and set your goals now then come on back and catch back up with us.

Week Two - Breaking it Down
Congratulations on making it to step two! Setting those goals wasn’t too difficult, was it? Okay, so maybe you’d rather make a trip to the dentist or maybe it was a piece of cake? Either way it’s done and you’re well on your way for a great start to the new year!

This week we’re going to discuss breaking your goals down into smaller goals. This is really nothing more than a little simple math. (Yes, you can go get your calculator, I’ll wait.)

Let’s say your goal is to make an extra $100 a month in 6 months. $100 a month might sound like a whole lot but, let’s break this down a bit ... $100 a month ... There’s an average of 30 days in a month, right? $100 divided by 30 is $3.33 a day! Now, that doesn’t sound like much at all? A little over $3 a day. Think you can handle this? Depending on your goals you may need to break it down a couple of times. For example let’s say you want 600 new subscribers in 6 months. Broken down that would be 100 a month, 25 a week or 4 a day; whatever works best for you.

Don’t be afraid to revise your goals a bit either. Let’s say you decided to make an extra $1000 a month in 6 months. This broken down works out to be $33.33 a day. Maybe that’s a little harder to reach than you had originally planned so revise your goal a bit. Maybe you should change your goal to an extra $1000 a month in a year or and extra $500 a month in 6 months. Again, don’t be afraid to "think big" but don’t set yourself up to fail.

We’re giving you a whole week to break down and if needed revise your goals ... but don’t put it off! Do it now!

Leave a comment and share your goals with us!


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