Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Week Three - Make a Plan

For the first week we talked about setting goals. On the second week we discussed how to break these goals down into smaller attainable goals. Hopefully by now you’ve set your goals, broken them down and either posted them with us or wrote them down. If not revisit Week One - Setting the Goal and set your goals and revisit Week Two - Breaking it Down and break them down now then come on back and catch back up with us.

Week Three - Make a Plan
Congratulations on making it to week three! Look at that it’s only December 21st and you’re almost ready for 2006! Way to go! Happy with your goals? Think you can reach them? Now that was a dumb question, of course you can!!

So, you’ve decided that you want 50 new team members by the end of the year, right? And now you should know that you need to have 5 sign ups a month. So, how are you going to reach this goal? Now it’s time to make a plan. WAIT ... don’t leave me. You can do it, honest, you really can!

Maybe for the first month you’ll place an ad in your local newspaper and the second month you’ll purchase a solo ad in a popular work at home website. Month three you could hold a special like offering a special sign up bonus. Month four plan for a business opportunity chat. Get the point? I’m not saying you have to plan and write your classified ad already (although if you’re the go-getter-type; go get em!) but just make a list of what you need to do each month (or week, whatever works best with your goals) of exactly what needs to be done.

Now do this with each goal that you’ve made until you have almost a complete business plan for the year of 2006.

We’re giving you a whole week to break down and if needed revise your goals ... but don’t put it off! Do it now!

Leave a comment and share your plans with us!


At 12/22/2005 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very excited to share my goals for my new direct sales company. I recently joined Warm Spirit, and since the company is relatively new, my goal is to create a BUZZ in my area about this company by sharing the product and opportunity to everyone that enjoys home-spa products.

My goal is to build my team by adding 5 new reps per month...and teach those 5 reps to build 5 as well!

6 figures in 2006!


At 12/23/2005 8:22 AM, Blogger Anita said...

Great goal Daphne! Don't forget to make your plans of how you're going to add 5 new reps per month! ;-)


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