Karen Huber, Home Business Job Fair Vendor
Huber, who has been with her direct sales company for two years, proudly displayed her apparel via both her display table and on herself. Really enjoying the clothing line was one of her biggest decision makers in joining this company. Living nearby, Karen found about this particular event and usually finds out through the coordinator of this event.
Ms. Huber currently does not have a downline but is actively working on building. Seeing the new fashions each season is one of her favorite aspects of her business and she only works a few hours a week at the moment. If there was only one item she could bring to an event such as these, Huber says she’d bring her catalogs.
When asked to share any comments concerning events such as this one, without delay, Huber says, “These types of events are great for networking!”
A little more about Weekenders…
Clothing, skin products and nutrition products make up the majority of the Weekenders line.
There are no territory restrictions for coordinators to comply with.
Weekenders does not require coordinators to hold home parties.
Coordinators can acquire promotional materials through the company and are as follows:
Clothing packs range from $300 to $600.
Sales aids, postcards etc. are available for around $2 to $15.
Weekenders does have a sales quota in effect that coordinators are to make $100 in orders in three months and there is no requirement to keep inventory.
This company does offer company websites and they cost $30 a quarter.
Fashion coordinators are responsible for hostess credits/gifts.
Shipping and handling costs $10.95 per order and they’re delivered usually within a few days.
For In-home sales…
Coordinators demonstrate Fashions in customer’s home and takes orders. The coordinator then orders from Weekenders and receives a 25 – 40% retail discount on in-home fashion line merchandise. Coordinator delivers products to the customer.
For Website sales…
Coordinator refers customers to Life-Products web site. Customers order their own products on the internet. Weekenders collect the money from the customer and credits the Coordinator back 25% (web income). All orders are shipped directly to the customer.
Jewelry, vacations, awards from the president and seasonal incentive awards of company products are some additional bonuses offered by Weekenders.
There are no inactive fees, however, if you loose your 40% discount status, you have to sign up all over and work up to the 40% again.
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, checks and cash are accepted payment methods with no minimum on purchases.
The opportunity structure is named as follows:
Independent Coordinator, Team Leader, Sales Manager, Senior Sales Manager, Executive Sales Manager, Senior Executive Sales Manager, National Sales Manager
Weekenders does offer a fundraising opportunity but does not offer a wholesale opportunity.
Start up kits range from $300 to $600 and include different types of clothing, brochures, postcards and swatches.
Weekenders does offer training.
This company does offer a Buy Back Policy within a time limit and has a Return Policy for customers to return within ten days.
Weekenders can not advertise online.
Please note that any of the above is subject to change and was true at the time of this writing. Please be sure to contact the coordinator below with any questions, comments, concerns and/or changes.
Karen Huber
libraria@verizon.net OR librariall@yahoo.com
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