Pat Noll, Home Business Job Fair Vendor

It was certainly all my pleasure to speak with Mrs. Noll. Not that it wasn't wonderful to speak with each of the talented women at this event - but it was truly an honor speaking with someone who has been in the top 10 in the US for the past six years, featured in the company catalog time and time again, featured on the company website, and featured at numerous company functions - this women is truly what we can each view as a success story.
Noll from Millerstown, PA has been with Heart Warming Creations for almost 9 years. Having done similar events in the past, she found out about this particular even through the News-Sun paper. Pat normally finds out about other events such as these through this method and also via word of mouth from consultants at other events.
When asked why she chose Heart Warming Creations, Noll responded with, "I joined this company because there were NO consultants in our area, it was a fairly new company and no one heard of it. I thought that would be good. New merchandise to offer and I like these kinds of items. It was down my alley."
Currently with only 2 active downline members who live too far away for monthly meetings, Pat still makes sure she keeps in contact with them. Depending on the week and what all needs to be done, Noll works on her business full time at approximately 30 hours a week.
"Doing the parties and meeting new people, making new friends and sharing Heart Warming Creations with them [is her favorite aspect of this business]" Says Noll.
When asked if she could only bring one thing to this event, what would it be, Pat promptly responded with her catalogs. "I would have to say Catalogs, so people can see our merchandise and what we have to offer. I would also bring some samples of our items."
Noll shares her tip for events such as these...
I would say be yourself and be honest with the people you come in contact with ... and most of all have FUN in what you are doing.
A little more about Heart Warming Creations...
Country & Traditional décor and gifts, featuring Scented candles from a few different companies, Wood furniture made in Ohio, Boyd’s Bears, Shelves, Afghans made in the USA, Wrought Iron items and much more are the types of products carried.
There are no territory restrictions.
The only requirement for a home party is that the hostess has a $100.00 in orders to qualify for free and half price items for having a show.
Consultants can earn materials (catalogs, order forms, invitations etc.) with their monthly sales starting at $1500 a month.
Consultants must do $250 in sales a month to stay active.
HWC does not require consultants to keep any inventory, they have all items stored in the warehouse in Ohio.
HWC does offer company websites at a $7.00 one time set up fee and then $12.95 a month.
Heart Warming Creations is responsible for hostess credits/gifts, the only cost to the consultant is if they chose to give the hostess a Thank You gift.
Shipping starts at $4.00 up to $25.00 and it goes up $1.00 for every $25.00 in orders.
Delivery time is 2 to 3 weeks, sometime less depending on the time of the year and how busy the home office is.
Heart Warming Creations offers drop shipping. Any customer can have their order shipped directly to their home for additional $5.00 Also, they have some items that are directly shipped from the vendor if it is a large piece or personalized item, that is not supplied in the warehouse.
Consultants earn 22% of all retail sales. In Jan they give consultants 25% because they know that it is hard to get bookings that month.
Consultants pay themselves the night of the show, take out the taxes that were collected and send the rest to HWC.
There are rewards for monthly sales and rewards for your yearly sales. (Trips, Jewelry and etc.)
There are no inactive fees. If you fall behind a month or so and become inactive all you need to do is send in a $250.00 show a month and you become active again.
Cash, Check, Credit & Debit cards are the types of payments accepted.
There is no minimum purchases.
Uplines earn commission on their downlines.
HWC does offer fundraising opportunities, however they do no offer a wholesale opportunity.
Start up kits are as follows:
HWC has a basket kit for $99.00 which includes merchandise totaling more than $176.92. You get 70 Catalogs, 70 Summer flyers, 100 Order forms, 100 Invitations, Training Manual and Training Video. A Traveling kit for $199.00 which includes all of the above plus more merchandise for the kit. It retails for $338.36 or more.
Training includes a training video and if at all possible, consultants are to go to a in home show with another consultant who would be in your upline.
HWC Consultants are resposible for handling the taxes.
HWC does not offer a Buy Back Policy however, they do offer if you want to sell items you don't need off your display and in return you can order new items to replace them.
HWC offers a 60 day return policy for any reason customers are not pleased with their product.
HWC consultants Can advertise online.
Please note that any of the above is subject to change and was true at the time of this writing. Please be sure to contact consultant below with any questions, comments, concerns and/or changes.
Pat Noll
Heart Warming Creations Website)
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