Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Wahm-Articles.com - Submit Your Articles

There's a new article directory in town and it's catering to especially you. The work at home mom (aka wahm)!

The idea behind it is pretty simple - not only did we have a good size
library of articles available for reprint, but we knew there was a ton
of other wahms that have articles as well. We also have had a hard
time finding family specific articles for our childcare section of
MHMM Ezine. The main reason for this is because most article
directories aren't focused on moms. Well, we've fixed that!

Please feel free to submit any articles or stories you have about
family, kids, business, health, or other woman-related topics. If you
publish a newsletter, stop by and see the articles in our database.

I hope this will be a great resource for those of you with newsletters
and articles!




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