Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Reinvesting into Your Business - Seminars and Conventions

If your company hosts seminars or conventions - go! Just be sure that you make the most of it and bring something back with you. Depending on the company, this could very well be a large investment - but if you choose to USE what you pick up, you'll get your investment back ten fold. Take a pen and notebook and take LOTS of notes.

At conventions you'll meet lots of other people who are doing the same thing you are. You'll be able to share ideas, tips, tricks etc. Most companies will hire a guest speaker to help motivate you or teach a new skill. You'll come back more refreshed and motivated to jump in head first. I can't stress enough how important it is for you to try to make it to your conventions. Besides, keep up the good work and you'll have to be there to accept your award!

Reinvesting into Your Business Mini Series
Tips to what you should AND shouldn't be reinvesting into your business.


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