Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Week Four - Keep it Handy

Okay, I’m excited, how about you? Let’s do a quick review:
Week One - You set your goals.
Week Two - You broke your goals down into smaller goals.
Week Three - You made plans for each goal.

Wow! That’s a lot of very productive work for three weeks. Go ahead, pat yourself on the back ... you deserve it! So, this week, since it is only three days after Christmas and you’ve worked really hard for the last three weeks we’re gonna take it easy on you.

I’d be more than thrilled to hear that you save or bookmark this page for the entire year and come back often enough to keep it on your mind constantly but somehow I don’t believe that’ll actually happen.

Week Four - Keep it Handy
This week you only have one little thing to do. Write these goals and your plans down. Write them on a piece of paper and post it to your bulletin board beside your computer. Buy a dry erase board, write down your plans and put it up beside your computer. Make a page and set it as your screen saver on your computer. Get the point? Put it in plain view that you will see it at least once every day. Every single day for the entire year of 2006.

Now you can bring in the new year knowing that you have all your plans set month by month and you’re ready for a successful and prosperous year!



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