Thursday, January 12, 2006

3 Quick Tips to Boost Online Business

There are so many ways to increase your business online. The following are just a few ideas for direct sales reps to get the most out of their time online.

1. Create a Personal Site
So much can be done with your own website, it's an absolute must for even direct sales reps. If you rep for several businesses, a personal website is even more important. Some of the ways a personal site can increase your business:

- You'll only have one link to promote instead of several
- You can exchange links with other sites
- Be included in more directories
- Easier to remember web address
- More professional looking links
- Ability to get more personal
- Ability to put on more information about your business
- Feature your favorite products
- Many more!

If you need help getting started with your own website, we recommend "Step By Step Guide to Starting Your First Website". This ebook free with Direct Sales Success Kit, but can be purchased alone. More information at:

2. Product reviews
Show off your best products on a popular website! Showing your customers how great your products really are by having someone that isn't getting paid tell them. Mom's Market offers reviews at:

3. Write Your Own Articles
Yes, direct sales reps CAN write articles! You are an expert in your field, and no one knows your products better. What makes them great? Why should we buy? Those questions can be answered in an article that doesn't need to sound like an ad. Lay down some facts about your ingredients or why your product does what it does. Get creative and show off your knowledge!

When you are finished with your article, there are tons of places online that will accept it. There's just too many to list here, so be sure to stop by your favorite networking place to ask for a list. The response will most likely be good.

These are just a few ways to quickly increase your business online. More ways listed in the Direct Sales Success Kit - see our website for details.

About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers. For more Direct Sales Success Tips, visit:

Note to publishers: The above article may be reprinted in your publication as long as the bio is kept intact and links are not altered. Please send a courtesty copy to


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