Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Outdoor Shows & Rain

Noone can predict the weather several weeks ahead of time. If you are planning to be at a craft show outside, you are taking a risk of it being rained out. While sometimes the whole show is a loss, there are things you can do to still gain sales.

1. Back Ups
Ask ahead of time if there's a place they'll let the crafters move should the entire day be completely rained out. Sometimes the event will be rescheduled if there is nothing but rain the whole day.

2. Tents
While a small tent isn't going to protect you from heavy rain or storms, it will protect you if it's just sprinkling. You can wait until the very last minute to pack up.

3. Check the Weather Ahead of Time
Know what the weather is that day, and let the organizer know. This way the organizer can plan early in the day for a back up if need be, and you know when to pack up. Also be sure to bring a towel.

3. Wait it Out
If you've had to pack up everything because of heavy rain, don't go very far. Keep up your tent, tables, and chair. Dump the rain off the top of your tent (yes, it WILL collect rain!), and dry off your tables with the towel you brought. If the rain has passed, set back up (at least half!)

Rain can be a major pain for outdoor shows, but they don't always lead to a loss. Our best outdoor show was actually rained out for 2-3 hours in the afternoon. We simply packed up and waited it out. Once the rain cleared in the evening, we made a whole lot more sales. I'm VERY glad we didn't leave like some of the other crafters! Stick it out and you'll always get the most out of your time and money paid for the table.

Direct Sales Helpers on the Road


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