Monday, August 21, 2006

What is Direct Sales?

Direct Sales - Not Just Mom's Tupperware Anymore

Direct sales is now a multi-million dollar industry that is growing larger and larger every day. Companies are quickly seeing the benefits of opening their businesses to folks to start their own home based business.

Direct sales home based businesses are primarily made up of mothers who have chosen to not only stay home and raise their own children but also bring in a supplemental income. (Work at home moms also known as WAHM)

The reasons for working at home varies from staying home with children, flexible work schedules and even some due to disabilities. No matter what the reason, the goal always seems to stay the same - freedom.

The human race thrives on freedom - freedom to work when you want to, freedom to choose what you want to do, freedom to take care of your own children and hopefully reach the ultimate freedom - financial freedom.

At times it seems as though over the years, direct sales has picked up a bad reputation. To many, a direct sales home business is nothing more than bothering friends and families to buy products, host parties or heaven forbid, buy into yet another home based business opportunity.

This misconception has come from poorly trained consultants and representatives who never stepped outside their own comfort zone - away from family and friends.

Remember, owning your own direct sales home business is certainly not for everyone. It's okay to start with family and friends to get your business off the ground, but eventually you must expand your target customers.

The benefits of a direct sales home based business are plenty for not only the representatives but also the consumer. You'll never find a better form of customer service like you would purchasing from a direct sales consultant.

For example: When was the last time a Wal-mart associate came to your home and gave you a complete makeover to find the perfect foundation to match your skin type?

When was the last time your local grocer came to your home and fixed you a dinner of his newest meal creation?

Did that Wal-mart associate call you a couple of months later to make sure you haven't run out? I'm going to guess not but, I bet your grocer called you a couple of weeks later to make sure that soup mix you bought was to your satisfaction, right?

From children's educational toys to Christian adult books. From hand creme to shower gels and adult merchandise to dietary supplements. You'll find a direct sales company that will have the perfect products for you.

Direct selling is even getting more fun and creative in their lines. There's even spray on tan companies and plant companies - certainly not your mother's Tupperware anymore, now is it?

Don't be fooled by some unconventional claims by some representatives. Can you make lots of money? Absolutely! Is it a lot of fun? Sure! Is it easy? Not on your life!

When I first "came home" from corporate America, I had already been taken in. I thought I was going to make thousands of dollars with very little work in no time flat. I can honestly say that I have never worked harder and more hours at any J.O.B. than I have in my direct sales business.

With that said ... I wouldn't give it up for the world. I love being able to decide how much money I do and don't make.

What it all boils down to is this ... I love being in charge of my future. Now, don't get me wrong ... I didn't say all this to scare you off - more like I said it to make you aware of what you may or may not be getting into. Owning your own direct sales home based business can be one the most fulfilling moves in your life.

Thinking about starting a home based direct sales business? Need help choosing the perfect company for you?

Click here to download your free copy of Choosing - How to Choose the Right Direct Sales Company for You!


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