Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Are You a Spammer?

Are you a "Spammer"?

This is one of those topics which never goes away. No matter how many times the subject comes up, it's not long after we are spammed. The following are general guidelines to follow.

It's NOT acceptable to:

- Email your entire address book ads
- Forget using a mailing list
- Forget reading guidelines on groups
- Offer "great ways to make money" to someone that didn't ask for it

Basically put, s*pam is a message you send to profit yourself which they don't want. They didn't ask for it, they don't need it. It doesn't matter how great your specials are or how wonderful your business opportunity is. There are millions of great website and opportunities on the internet, and even if you think your's is the best it may not be to someone else.

What IS acceptable:

- Always use mailing lists
You must use some type of a professional mailing list where others can subscribe or unsubscribe themselves. Double opt-in is a must, which means when they enter their email address it must be confirmed before they are officially subscribed.

- Always include contact information
This is a spam compliance law - you must follow up your mailings with your publishing info INCLUDING mailing address and phone number.

- Always read group guidelines
The fastest way to make a group owner mad is not following their guidelines. You want to make friends, not burn bridges. Remember: "I didn't know" is never an excuse, and if someone were to report your email as spam your business could suffer dearly. They say "Ignorance of the law is no excuse", and the same applies online. To own a business of any kind is a large responsibility, and your job is to know
everything there is to know about starting. This includes licences, spam laws, local requirements, etc.

About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers. Learn how you can be successful in your company by visiting:

Note to publishers: The above article may be reprinted in your publication as long as the bio is kept intact and links are not altered. Please send a courtesty copy to

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Communication is the Key

I know we've heard this saying quite a bit when it comes to any type of business, especially Direct Sales. However, are you truly communicating with everyone you come in contact with?

First off, let's break this down into the different ways we should be communicating.

Potential Customers Online
Email can pile up quickly, but regardless it's important to take the time to reply to those who contact you about your business. Save the message boards, groups, newsletters, and funny forwards for later. At least until you've made sure you've properly replied to every personal message about your business.

Potential Customers Offline
This is very important especially at craft shows. Our sales have been outstanding even in the worst places due to actually talking to potential customers walking past. Just walking past they aren't going to see how beneficial soy wax candles are when they are just sitting on a table. So, we talk to them. We tell them everything about the candles and the scents, and ask them questions about their candle burning habits. We've sold many a tealight sample to those who have never tried them.

Follow Ups on Orders
Keep in good contact with your customers. Thank them for their order and tell them when it's going to arrive. When it ships, contact them and let them know it's coming. When it arrives, contact them. See the pattern?

Follow Ups on Reorders
If you sell reusable items, or maybe an item that could be easily recommended to someone else, contacting past customers at certain times is important. You're leaving money on the table if you constantly search for new customers. Don't forget about those who have already purchased! Ask them how they liked their order, if they had any problems, etc. If they liked the products, you might suggest they host a party or catalog show to introduce it to their friends.

Of course you want to spend most of your time focused on potential and past customers, but don't forget about others you meet! When someone asks what you do for a living, explain to them your "job" and what you sell. Have a mini speech ready to give at a moments notice that covers the basics of your products.

Don't be afraid to be a chatter-box!

About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers. Learn how you can be successful in your company by visiting:

Note to publishers: The above article may be reprinted in your publication as long as the bio is kept intact and links are not altered. Please send a courtesty copy to

Friday, November 11, 2005

Direct Sales Success Kit Sale - Ends Today!

Four Day Only Sale on Direct Sales Success Kit - ENDS TODAY!

This is just a reminder that our Christmas sale ends today! Don't miss your chance to grab the Direct Sales Success Kit for a discount price!

Remember, this sale ends at 10pm EST on November 11th (today!) and it is only available to our subscribers only.

Why are we offering the kit at a discount? As an early Christmas gift to you for being loyal subscribers. We want you to succeed this Christmas! Stay ahead of your competition, and have a great holiday season.

Do NOT purchase from the main page or you will not receive your discount.

To take advantage of this *Subscriber Only* offer, please use this special link:

To your success!

~Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank~
Direct Sales Helpers

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Top 4 Promotional Materials

Top 4 Promotional Materials (other than business cards!)

Sometimes a business card just doesn't cut it, and we have to look to other means for getting the word out about our business. Some of the following ideas you may have seen, others you may not have thought about. Regardless, each method is meant to help get your name out there and increase your sales.

These can be effective for announcing events or any type of major announcement. Before you start posting, make sure you have permission first!

Think of them like mini-catalogs, able to highlight the best or most interesting products in your line. If your company doesn't offer these, you can easily make them on your home computer. You may want to check with your company to make sure this is allowed first, and that you are able to use product pictures. Hand them out to customers and only those who show interest in your products.

These should be saved for your current customers only, showing the most current products you offer. If your company doesn't offer catalogs, again you can always make them at home. Don't forget to check with your company before handing them out!

Printed Promotional Products
This would include things like pens, shirts, or any other item your name and info can be printed on. Some direct sales companies offer these, while others you will have to take to a printing company. If you decide to look into something like this, be sure the product matches your company. For example, if you sell food mixes, you may want to use candy bar wrappers with your logo. Check with your company first before investing large amount of money into this.

These are just a few ideas to help jump start your business, and help get your name out there. Make good impressions - give your customers and future customer something they won't forget!

About the Authors: Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank are two busy wahms, and the owners of Direct Sales Helpers. Learn how you can be successful in your company by visiting:

Note to authors: The above article may be reprinted in your publication as long as the bio is kept intact and links are not altered. Please send a courtesty copy to

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Direct Sales Success Kit Sale - Four Days Only

Four Day Only Sale on Direct Sales Success Kit

Starting today and ending 10pm EST on November 11th, the Direct Sales Success Kit is available at a discount for SUBSCRIBERS ONLY. This invitation will NOT be made public, and is available for you, the Direct Sales Rep looking to improve their business.

Why are we offering the kit at a discount? As an early Christmas gift to you for being loyal subscribers. We want you to succeed this Christmas! Stay ahead of your competition, and have a great holiday season.

Do NOT purchase from the main page or you will not receive your discount.

To take advantage of this *Subscriber Only* offer, please use this special link:

To your success!

~Kara Kelso & Anita DeFrank~
Direct Sales Helpers

Celebrations By Lillian Vernon Marks First Anniversary

Jessica Ketterer of Laurel Fork, VA among first Consultants

Laurel Fork, VA– As Celebrations by Lillian Vernon®, a direct sales company, celebrates its first anniversary in business October, 2005, Jessica Ketterer of Laurel Fork is credited as being a large contributor to their successful first year. Jessica Ketterer became an Independent Sales Consultant for Celebrations during this founding year and is excited about her business and the company she represents

“I love representing Celebrations. It’s all about marking those little moments in life that often go unnoticed,” said Jessica. “I truly enjoy building my home-based business and I can work around the needs of my family. It’s incredible.”

Joining the thriving direct sales market, Lillian Vernon Corporation launched this new endeavor last year to resounding success. This October, the company celebrates its first anniversary, with more than 2,000 Consultants representing the Celebrations line of products throughout the United States.

“It’s been an amazing year,” said Vice President of Sales, Linnette Reindel. “Having spent more than 20 years in direct sales, I believe our Independent Sales Consultants are among the most motivated, most enthusiastic group of people I’ve ever met. They exemplify the true meaning of simple celebrations every day.”

In Carroll County and Galax, as well as areas as far as Pulaski, Roanoke, and Greensboro, Jessica has been busy holding Home Parties where she shares the variety of products found in the Celebrations catalog. Customers and Party Hosts learn to embrace every day with affordable, but meaningful gifts.

With Celebrations by Lillian Vernon®, today’s Independent Sales Consultant has instant credibility. More than 50 million US adults already know and trust the Lillian Vernon name.

Celebrations offers free personalization, 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed, and The Celebrations Advantage™, in which products are shipped directly to each guest, rather than to the Party Host. Celebrations also offers a ground floor business opportunity with, and most of all, FUN!

For more information on Celebrations, please visit the company web site:

Simple Celebrations Every Day.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Free Wahm Bands

For a limited time I'm offering a free Wahm Band with each Wahm State Directory Listing purchased from So, not only do you get one of the best forms of advertising you'll also get something "real" to boot!

For only $35 a year you'll get ...

- - - - -> 1 Year Listing at in your home state with a 20 word business description.

- - - - -> 6 Month Featured Store Listing at

- - - - -> 1 Year listing at (choice of 2 categories)

- - - - -> 1 Free Wahm Band

With all that ... how can you resit??
Visit for your Free Wahm Band!
(Limited Time Only - While Supplies Last)

What's a Wahm Band?
Click Here to Find Out!

Friday, November 04, 2005 Enters Home Based Business World Enters Starbucks Market with Home Based Gourmet Healthy Coffee Franchises Across North America offers turn-key gourmet healthy coffee franchises with start up costs starting from $1,000. Online ordering and direct to door delivery eliminate the need for huge inventories typical of conventional coffee shops. The company plans to market its products throughout 100 countries by the year 2010.

(PRWEB) November 3, 2005 -- announced today that they are offering home-based gourmet healthy coffee franchises starting from $1,000.

"With Starbuck's Coffee houses (Nasdaq: SBUX) popping up on every street corner, consumer demand indicates that this will be the next phase of growth in the coffee industry" said Darren Little in a recent interview. "We are going to create the next wave in the multi-billion dollar coffee industry with this unique concept and it will all be built online. will give every entrepreneur the opportunity to participate in this lucrative industry. Each affiliate will have the ability to facilitate international distribution and every transaction will be tracked through sophisticated software".

In a partnership with Gano Excel, the leading provider of the world’s first known healthy coffee is offering entrepreneurs the opportunity to run international gourmet coffee franchises from the comforts of their home. Imagine turning a home computer into an international money-making coffee machine. Now it’s possible with and this unique opportunity.

Over the past decade the trend for gourmet coffee shops has become more and more prevalent in every major city across the globe. has taken the concept one step further, allowing every entrepreneur the opportunity to turn their home computer into a gourmet healthy coffee franchise for $1000.

Here are some coffee industry facts:

* Coffee is the second largest commodity in the world - next to oil.
* Starbucks buys over 100 million pounds of coffee each year.
* 2.4 billion pounds of coffee are sold per year in the United States.
* The United States is the world's largest consumer of coffee.
* The entire U.S. population consumes more than 500 million cups a day.

Gano Excel currently markets their products in 21 countries and plans to move into an additional 80 countries over the next five years. The program supplies entrepreneurs with a turn-key healthy coffee franchise, a web-site that facilitates e-commerce transactions, extensive marketing materials, 1800 individual samples of the world's first healthy coffee and direct to door shipping for all international clients.

With sales of $130 million dollars in 2003 alone, the concept is proving to be a grande winner. In fact, over the past 2 years over 50,000 entrepreneurs in North America have said YES to this unique concept and feel that is going to be the next wave in the multi-billion dollar coffee industry.

What makes this coffee so unique? It is the first coffee in the world to provide a lift in energy, while eliminating the caffeine jitters; plus, it comes with a host of health benefits. Gano Café is the world's first great-tasting healthy coffee and it is produced by Gano Excel. It is a delicious coffee drink that helps to provide energy and vigor, while reducing fatigue. Gano Café helps the body fight disease the way nature intended. Ganoderma Lucidum (the natural substance in all of Gano Excel's products) is said to help enhance health by removing toxins from the body and then building up the body's immune system.

Ganoderma Lucidum is the scientific name for a species of Red Mushrooms and is said to be more powerful than Ginseng. Known as the "Miraculous King of Herbs," Ganoderma (also known as Lingzhi in China, Reishi in Japan, and Youngchi in Korea) is listed as a Superior Herb in Sheng Nong's Pharmacopeia, an ancient Chinese Herbal Text dating back over 2,000 years.

A typical cup of coffee contains approximately 138 mg of caffeine. The unique blend of ganoderma in this product neutralizes the caffeine dramatically to only 9 mg per cup, but still provides that "lift" and boost in energy that coffee drinkers are looking for, but without the caffeine jitters.

At last someone has taken the concept of a coffee franchise and made it affordable for everyone to participate. For more information on starting your own gourmet healthy coffee franchise, contact Darren Little at 1-604-771-1901. For a brief overview of the business call 1-512-404-1228. Listen to boxes 2 and 4.

About markets a variety of products which contain the life changing, life enhancing ingredient Ganoderma Lucidum, including the world's first healthy coffee. Ganoderma is known as "the miraculous king of herbs" and provides an extensive list of health benefits including increased energy and vigor. Ganoderma has history dating back in the Oriental culture for over 2,000 years and is more powerful than Ginseng. The world's first healthy coffee is now available online. Distributor inquiries are welcome at

Craft Shows & Fairs

This week Kara would like to share her experience and observations from an event over the weekend. Enjoy!

Craft Shows & Fairs

It's a good thing I started feeling better over the weekend, as we had a table at a craft show Saturday and Sunday with Prairie Soy Candles. What an event! We were lucky to get one of the last spots, and it was definately a profitable 2 days for my mother and I.

More importantly that covering the costs of this $100 table, we managed to hand out around 70 brochures to interested candle lovers in our local area. The show couldn't have been at a better time, since everyone was just starting to think about Christmas presents and planning ahead. Handing out brochures instead of business cards was a good choice, as the cost wasn't much more but gave more information.

Our desplay was simple, but still grabbed attention. We set out 2 unique products that made people take a second look at our table, and stop to buy. Candles are an interesting product, as they may not call much attention as other products would, but once picked up and smelled are sold. So the first thing we did was set out a lit candle, something flashy, to pull them over to our table and encourage them to take a closer look.

There were other flashy displays and fancy racks showing off products at other tables, but we noticed these didn't do as well. This was because the items used to show off the products actually took away from the product itself. It was display overkill, mostly. Two tables down there was another soy candle vendor, and on the second day of the show he sold $20 in products. We sold well over $100. Quite a difference for the same product in the same area!

Our biggest sellers wasn't what we expected - tealights! We didn't have a sale really, but instead offered customers to pick out 10 tealights of their choice for a set price. The idea was to get the customer to sample our product before purchasing a larger candle. Of course with every purchase a brochure was placed in their bag for reorders. $60 was made from tealights alone, and around $20 from melts. We've discovered from past shows tart warmers aren't exactly well known around here just yet.

Breaking it down simply, here's what we learned from our show:

- Show off your best products
Have an eye catching product? Don't leave it at home! They may not sell, but they'll bring more to your table. Make sure what you are showing off is an item you sell, and not just a prop.

- Keep your table simple
Flashy lights, decorations, and tons of shelves are not needed. Keep your focus on your products.

- Talk to your customers
While walking around we noticed not a lot of vendors were talking with their customer and encouraging them to buy. You don't have to be pushy, but ask them what they are looking for. You might have what they want, but they may not see it right away!

- Offer samples, or samples packs for sale
If you have a low cost sample pack or something under $10 that people can try, you have a better chance of building a solid customer base. Sell the small items first, and the bigger items later down the road.

- Have nice brochures
This is something free they can take home to look at later, so you want to make sure it outlines your business and products well. If your company brochures are expensive, design simple ones at home to print and take to your show. Keep the company brochures to include with orders.

- Invest in signs
One item we did not have at this show, but wished we would have. Many of the vendors did not have signs, and at a glance you may not know exactly what type of product it was. Having a large sign with your business name also helps customers remember who you are and what business you are with.

- Smile!
More than just interacting with your customers, be friendly as well. A smile can go a long way!

If you haven't booked your spots for November and December shows, it may be too late. It never hurts to check though, and you may be able to get a good spot if a vendor cancels. Good luck!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Karen Balmforth - Crafty Kids Pty Ltd

November Successful Consultant of the Month

Karen Balmforth
South Australia

Childrens Names & Ages:
Daughter 18 & Granddaughter 9 months

Direct Sales Company:
Crafty Kids Pty Ltd

Website Address :

Please tell us a little more about the products you offer:
We sell products for scrapbooking, card making, rubber stamping, jewellry, kids crafts and loads more.

How long have you been with this company?
2 years

What is your favorite aspect of your business?

Why did you join your company?
My love of craft and looking for an exciting way to earn some extra income

Approximately how much time do you work on your direct sales business?
Approx: 40 hours per week

Karen's Direct Sales Tips:
Listen, Share, Remember three good words when meeting new people and
old aquaintences.