Monday, August 04, 2008

How's Your Approach?

We all know that you're supposed to tell everyone you know what you do for a living. We all know that we're supposed to promote, promote, promote ... but what about the initial approach?

Take this real life scenerio for example ...

It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon so you head to your local playground with your favorite little girl and a good book in tow ... ready for a relaxing afternoon of reading albeit the overly packed playground with giggling children in the background.

First of all you have to take care of more important business and head to the restrooms so your daughter can use the facilities. While you're waiting for her, you overhear a conversation of one woman and another mother chatting about a particular direct sales company. You see the mom flipping through a catalog and mentioning how much this company has changed over the years. She hands the catalog back to the women and thanks her for allowing her to take a look.

Next your child is happily settled in the sandbox building her dream castle so you head to the closest picinic tables so you're just within earshot and still have her in plain sight.

As you're sitting down, the women you seen earlier says hello with which you reply hello as well. You sit down and barely get your eyes on your page where you last left off when you're daughter is already calling for you to see how well she's done so far so you head on back to the sandbox and of course praise her on the beautiful pile of sand she has.

As you head back to the picinic table and before you even get to sit down, the woman begins to stand up, handing her catalog in your direction and begins to say:

Hello again, my name is {Insert Name} and I'm a representative with XYZ. Would you like to ...

Hold up and hit the pause button ...

Was this woman a little quick to the punch?
Did she excute this approach perfectly?

What are your thoughts on this approach? Please click Comments below and share your thoughts. As the representative ... how would you have handled this approach?